भारत मजदूर किसान सगंठन चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट

आपका अपना संगठन है इस संगठन के माध्यम से आपकी समस्याओं को सरकार व प्रशासन से समाधान करना हमारा एकमात्र उद्देश्य है. संगठन के माध्यम से गरीब बच्चों गरीब परिवारों व पीडित मजदूर पीडित किसान के हक के लिये सरकार से उनकी सहायता करवाती है। इस संगठन से हमने 15 कार्यों को अमलीजामा आपकी सहायता से पूरा करेंगे वो 15 विकासशील कार्य क्या है।

You have your own organization. Our only aim is to solve your problems with the government and administration through this organization. Through this organization, we get help from the government for the rights of poor children, poor families, suffering laborers and farmers. Through this organization, we will implement 15 tasks with your help. What are those 15 developmental works?

सबका साथ, सबका विकास,

सबका विश्वास, सबका प्रयास


Bhaarat Majadoor Kisaan Sangathan Charitable Trust began its journey with a group of doctors and professionals, who took 20 underprivileged children under their wings, determined to get them their Right to Education. Today, our endeavor is a proud supporter of two schools in Delhi slums. Bhaarat Majadoor Kisaan Sangathan fortitude has resulted in the organization supporting many more such stories consequential to us working in the domains of education, health care, old age care, early childhood care and much more.

With more than 25,000 lives already enhanced in the 10 years, we aspire to increase this number rapidly each day.


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